Capacity addition (Generation):
A total of 1765 MW of power generation capacity was added during the month of December, 2013 which was much above the capacity of 105 MW scheduled to be added during the month.
This entire capacity addition was contributed by the thermal sector with no capacity addition taking place in Hydro and Nuclear sector during the month of Dec, 2013.
The capacity addition took place with the commissioning of Niwari TPP, U-1 of M/s BLA Pvt. Ltd., Sasan UMPP, U-2 of Reliance Power, Kawai TPP, U-2 ofAdani Power Rajasthan Ltd., Satpura TPS Extn., U-2 of MPPGCL and TuticorinIndbarath TPP, U-2 of Indbarath Ltd.
Capacity addition (Transmission):
In the transmission sector, a total of 1613 CKM have been laid during the month of December, 2013 while scheduled target was only 281 CKM.
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyudeekaran Yojana:
As on 31st December, 2013, a total of 1,07,999 villages have been electrified and free electricity connections have been provided to 214.64 lakh BPL households under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyudeekaran Yojana.
Power Generation:
During the month of December, 2013, a growth of 6.73% was registered in power generation compared to performance of Dec, 2012. Overall generation was 82,305.10 Million Units (MUs) as compared to 77,117.35 MUs achieved during the corresponding month of the last year.
A growth of 14.64% in nuclear generation, 22.41% in hydro generation and 85.91% in the imported power from Bhutan have been achieved in the month of December, 2013 as compared to the corresponding month of the last year. However, a negative growth of 4.69% in thermal generation has been recorded for the same period.
During this month, the Energy Supply shortage was reduced to 3.9% with 82,600 MUs of requirement and 79,373 MUs of availability against the shortage of 8.9% in Dec, 2012 with 84,866 MUs of requirement and 77,343 MUs of availability.
Similarly, the Peak Demand shortage was reduced to 4.2% with 132,786 MW of peak demand and 127,239 MW of peak met against the shortage of 9.6% with 128,689 MW of peak demand and 116,394 MW of peak met in the corresponding month of the last year.