The Minister of Panchayati Raj Shri V. Kishore Chandra Deo has said that the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana(RGSY), implemented in districts not covered by the Scheme of Backward Regions Grants Fund (BRGF), focuses primarily on providing financial assistance to the States / UTs for Training & Capacity Building of elected representatives (ERs) and functionaries of Panchayats so that they can perform the functions devolved upon them and the schemes entrusted to them effectively.
Replying to a question in Rajya Sabha today, he said that assistance is also provided for Satellite based training infrastructure for Distance Learning for the ERs and Functionaries of the Panchayats and, in respect of the Hill States and States in the North Eastern Region, for capital expenditure on establishment of Panchayat ResourceCenters / Training Institutes at Divisional / District level. There is a small component of Infrastructure Development underwhich assistance is provided to States / UTs for construction of Panchayat Ghars at Gram Panchayat level. The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has already proposed higher allocations for capacity building during Twelfth Five Year Plan.Details of the training programmes conducted in Andhra Pradesh under RGSY are at Annexure. No financial assistance was provided under this Scheme during this period for infrastructure projects in Andhra Pradesh. You May Also Like
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